“Believe the truth of God’s Word over the facts of your circumstances.” – Christie Caine

Have you heard this story? It happened nearly 40 years ago in Milwaukee. It was a big hoax. It should have been an obvious spoof because it was so similar to that spoof on the TV comedy sitcom, WKRP in Cincinnati, when they dropped live turkeys from a helicopter in a shopping center.
During the holiday season of 1983, Cabbage Patch Dolls were in such rabid demand that hundreds even thousands of people would show up at toy stores hoping to find one of the squishy, dimpled dolls. Desperate shoppers waited in lines for hours before mobbing the stores, fighting in aisles and even storming stockrooms in search of “hidden” dolls.
During that hysteria Milwaukee parents who were desperate to procure a Cabbage Patch Kid doll for their hopeful child found themselves wrapped up in a viral-spiraling prank. It happened after WKTI radio morning-show hosts Gene Mueller and Bob Reitman joked on air that later in the day a pilot – named Jack Daniels no less – would fly a B-29 Bomber over County Stadium (home of the Brewers before Miller Park) and airdrop 2,000 Cabbage Patch Kids. The DJs encouraged people to show up at the stadium with a baseball glove to catch one of the dolls, of course – and a credit card. Anyone who caught one of the dolls would hold up their credit card for the pilot to photograph and they would bill them later.
It was so silly they thought that no one would actually believe it. But 20-30 people showed up to score a doll from the sky. The unexpected reaction to what was an obvious gag quickly became a national news story.
There will always be those who are gullible. The promise was so far-fetched these DJs never imagined that someone would actually believe it. But what about more serious concerns?
Because dishonesty is so intertwined in the culture, ours is an age of skepticism. Who do you trust? Government? The Media? Weather Forecasters? Doctors? Salespeople? Even pastors?
Many have been burned by friends we thought that we could trust only to discover later we’ve been deceived. It comes out that a pastor has a double-life. With the increase in broken families or a parent with addiction issues, many are disillusioned to find they’ve believed lies. If you discover that your spouse has been unfaithful, you become wary of all relationships.
We’ve lost confidence in the honesty of those that we should be able to trust like the government, medical authorities, the media, church leaders, even weather forecasters. “Trust the science has become a farce.”
We shouldn’t be shocked that those who don’t know Christ are dishonest or color the truth. Jesus rebuked those who rejected Him: You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).
Yet, this lack of trust has a high price. It breeds fear and anxiety. It’s dangerous for our mental health. Distrust is perceived as a social threat, in which the brain processes it the same way it processes a physical threat. That creates a response that shuts down our analytical thinking abilities.
Judith Glaser notes in her book, Conversational Intelligence, the threat response activates the part of the limbic brain called the amygdala. This part is hardwired along with the well-developed instincts of fight, flight, freeze or appease…When we feel threatened, the amygdala activates the immediate impulses that ensure we survive. Our brains lock down and we are no longer open to influence.
How relieving to know God is the God truth. God is not man, that He should lie. (Numbers 23:19). Jesus said, I am…the Truth. (John 14:6).
If we’re Christ-followers, we must be people of the truth.We must be committed to always be truthful because we’re new creatures in Christ. The Bible repeatedly commands us to tell the truth. Yet though we’ve been redeemed, we still struggle with a sin nature tempting us to color the truth.
What’s your source of truth? Who can you trust?
You can always trust God’s Word. It’s always true. Just as when you spend time with a friend, they influence you, the same is true with spending time in God’s Word.
We’re coming into a new year. With a lack of truth please determine to consistently read the one source you can always trust – the Bible. Here’s some simple ways to start.
Start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). If you’re new to the Bible, the best place to start is one of the four biographies of Jesus. The Bible centers on Jesus and God’s plan of rescuing us. As John 20:31 says, their purpose is to help us believe God’s truth. These things were written to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.
Pick a book of the Bible and work your way through it. You need a Bible reading plan, or you’ll waste time thumbing through the Bible, never quite landing. Either pick one book of the Bible, and read a little each day, one chapter, perhaps. Or get a broad overview with a one-year Bible reading plan or a One Year Bible.
The best way to read the Bible is a little every day! Reading the Bible is like beginning an exercise plan. You don’t start with a marathon. Getting God’s Word into your life doesn’t have to take long. Start small—five or 10 minutes is better than none. Sometimes less is more, especially when reading less means you’ll remember more.
Chose a time and place convenient for you. Many read their Bible first thing in the morning, choosing to spend time with the Lord before daily distractions get in the way. But if mornings aren’t your thing, don’t sweat it. That you read God’s Word is more important than when you read.
Pray before you begin. Pause before you open your Bible and ask God to open your spiritual eyes. Remember, the Bible is His Word. It’s God’s love letter written to His people, which includes you. Ask Him to help you understand and use His Word to teach you, to direct you and even to re-direct you, when necessary. Ask the Lord to use His Word to help you know how much He loves you and to know Him and love Him.
The Bible was never meant to merely inform us; the Bible was meant to transform us. It transforms us because the Bible is God’s truth. It’s the one source you can always trust. What are you waiting for? Let’s faithfully read God’s truth!
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