Scott Carson – Senior Pastor
Scott has been serving the Lord at Grace Church since 1988 as the Senior Pastor. He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and first came to Wisconsin in 1975 as a junior to attend high school. He holds a Bachelors Degree from Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Watertown, Wisconsin and a Masters Degree from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Prior to coming to Grace, Scott served as an assistant pastor in Danville, Illinois and helped plant a church in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. He has a business background, having previously been involved in commercial sales and marketing.
Scott and his wife, Jane, have been blessed with three children: Charity, Ben and Aaron and a daughter in-law, Jiayu. Scott will quickly tell you that the six greatest days of his life have been “the day I accepted Christ, the day I married Jane, the birth of each of our three children, and the wedding of our son.”
Scott is a dedicated student, an avid reader and a book collector. He is committed to providing clear, practical teaching of the Bible as God’s perfect Word.
Scott is very active in our community and believes that a pastor should be involved in his community to encourage his church to be involved in their community. He is a member of the Burlington Rotary Club, President of the Friends of the Burlington Library, an Ambassador for the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce. He is also the chaplain for the Burlington Police Department and a local hospital chaplain.
Jason and Meghan Egan and family – Family Pastor
Jason has been serving the Lord in local church ministry since 2007. He and his wife Meghan focus on making disciples, specifically among the families of Grace Church. Together they’ve served at several churches in children’s ministry, youth ministry, and in developing disciple-making communities. Jason and Meghan value serving as a family and the Lord has blessed them with five children. Together they help in discipleship and shepherding families at Grace and they serve with Grace Student Ministries.

Gary Thompson – Senior Ministry Pastor
Gary Thompson was born in Kenosha, WI in 1945 into a single parent home and raised in extreme poverty until 12 years old. He and his mother never missed a church service and Gary accepted Jesus as his savior at a young age. The love of his mother and joy of the Lord enriched his character and gave him a determination to serve and become active into ministry. At 12 his mother met and married Ward Wilton. Ward was a successful electrical contractor. It wasn’t long before Gary realized the benefits of hard work. That same year, 1963, he joined the Air Force and married Nancy Scott. At 21 he became the first K-9 police officer in Kenosha and, with 3 other officers, started the Pleasant Prairie police department. All together Gary has 12 years in law enforcement, 35 years as an electrician and contractor, 16 years as a Real Estate Broker and a developer of subdivisions.
In 1980 Gary received the call to ministry. He went home and told Nancy and the first thing she said was, “What took you so long?” They sold their new home and all the stuff they accumulated and went to North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota majoring in Pastoral studies with a minor in missions. During this same time period he served as the Business manager and associate pastor at Brookdale Christian Center. Since then Gary has pastored in Minnesota for 10 years, Wisconsin 12 years, Oklahoma 8 1/2 years, Missouri 2 years and back to Wisconsin for another 3 years. He interned in Jamaica and he and Nancy made several missions trips to Kenya and Uganda in Africa. He also had the privilege of spending extended time in Israel with a pastoral study group.
After 4 major heart attacks and many operations, they found themselves coming back to the Burlington area to be by their family. Shortly thereafter Gary became Seniors Ministry Pastor of Grace Church. Gary considers it an honor and privilege to share the love of Christ to a growing and wonderful congregation.
Bob Eck is an active member of Grace Church serving on our Maintenance team and building projects. He and his wife live in Burlington (transplanted from New York State). Tina organizes the volunteers that serve at the Welcome Desk on Sunday mornings. They are both retired and are sincere servants, ready to help wherever needed.

Mike Wiemer is an active member of Grace Church serving on our Maintenance Team and generously gives of his time wherever needed. He and his wife JoAnn live in Burlington. Mike enjoys leading Men’s Bible Study and organizing the Men’s Ministry events.
Steve Emond and his wife Kim have considered Grace their home since 2015. Steve serves on the Worship team. Kim is very active with outreach and our iFit ministry.

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Sunday Services
Children’s ministries available for birth through 4th grade