Grace Groups
One of the best ways to grow spiritually and grow closer to other Christians is to join a Grace Group. Small groups are where we begin sharing our hearts. It’s where burdens are divided, and joys are multiplied. It’s where we get to know each other well enough to encourage each other, care more for each other, and to pray for each other. Childcare is available.

Wednesdays, 10:00 am
Topic: Proverbs: The Wiersbe Bible Study Series
Leaders: Karyn Borucki & Susan Kumba
Venue: Charis Café at Grace Church
Life is about choices. And we all want to make wise decisions. The aim of the book of Proverbs is to help us acquire and apply God’s wisdom to the decisions and activities of daily life. Wisdom gives order and purpose to life. The book of Proverbs contains the greatest collection of wisdom ever recorded, written by some of the wisest men who ever lived. This study takes a fresh look at Proverbs and offers relevant insights for making sound choices in every area of life. Cost: $8

Wednesdays, 1:00 pm
Topic: Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Leaders: Tina Eck & Nila McKendry
Venue: Charis Café at Grace Church
Adorned is about living out the Gospel together. How do we do this? Get together with other women of all ages who want to answer this question so we can be equipped to impact our world and fulfill God’s purpose in our lives as we learn from God’s Word and each other. Cost: $10

Wednesdays, 6:15 pm
Topic: Ten Words To Live By by Jen Wilkin
Leader: Jane Carson
Venue: The Carson home
Ever wish you had divine guidance and ethical insight for living your life more fully? It’s right there in God’s timeless list of instructions, better known as the Ten Commandments! Learn about the beauty, freedom, and power to be found in following the Lord in obedience and holiness. Cost: $10

Wednesdays, 6:15 pm
Topic: When Sinners Say “I Do” by Dave Harvey
Leader: Jason Egan
Venue: Lynch Dealership lunch room
A transformative guide to understanding marriage through the lens of God’s grace and the gospel. This book explores the reality of two imperfect people coming together in the covenant of marriage. It explores how biblical principles can create a deeper, more Christ-centered relationship. Whether you’re engaged, newly married, or have been together for many years, this book offers practical wisdom and hope. Cost: $10

Thursdays, 6:00 pm
Topic: Speaking of Jesus by J. Mack Stiles
Leader: Scott Carson
Venue: The Carson home
The gospel really is the best news anyone can ever share. Why then do Christians shy away from talking about Jesus to friends and family who don’t know Him? This study will work through how to simply tell one’s own story of faith and how to answer questions with honesty and confidence. All of us can use everyday situations and language to share the wonderful news about Jesus. Cost: $10

Thursdays, 6:00 pm
Topic: Overcomer by Dr. David Jeremiah
Leader: Bob Eck
Venue: Charis Café at Grace Church
In a troubled world with Satan working overtime, “we either concede defeat or live in the victory God has promised.” If you are looking to dedicate 5-6 hours a week, reading the book, internalizing the qualities of each chapter and memorizing Scripture, this class is for you. Please pray about it and if you decide this is for you, please let us know. The course will run through April 17th. Cost: $10
Let us know if childcare is needed for any group.

We are here for you!
Please let us know how we can help.
Sunday Services
Children’s ministries available for birth through 4th grade